Thursday, 18 August 2011

How to create composite image of 2 photos side-by-side

I have shown how to display 2 images side by side using the HTML table tag <table> but because a blogger asked to display a particular pair of photos side by side which actually turned out to be a single composite picture of 2 photos side by side, I am going to illustrate how this alternative method do displaying 2 photos side-by-side using my favorite free Irfanview photo editor.

First I am going to upload 2 photos of some trishaws (pedicab, bikecab, cyclo, becak, or rickshaw or in my country, becha) taken during my holidays in idyllic Terengganu displayed below using HTML table tag

Say, supposed you are HTMLphbic, meaning you hate HTML, here is how to make a single composite image of 2 photos side-by-side. First, open Irfanview or similar photo editors. I then go to Menu > Create New (Empty) Image (see screen shot below) and create an empty image, say, 800x500. Using the mouse, drag and drop to select a rectangle roughly proportional to the size of the photo (see screen shot below, red arrow to highlight selected rectangle):

Drag and drop with mouse to create selection with Irfanview
Screen shot 2

Now go to one of the photo, right-click on the photo and select COPY IMAGE to copy into clipboard (see screen shot below):

Screen shot 3

Now go to the first image that you want in the composite picture, either right-click on the image and select COPY IMAGE or go to the Menu, click EDIT > COPY IMAGE to copy image into clipboard. Now go back to the created image with the selected rectangle (screen shot 2), go to MENU > EDIT > PASTE and the first photo will be pasted into the selected triangle just like the screen shot below:

After pasting first photo, creating second rectangle to paste second photo of composite image

Now drag and drop to create the second selection (see screen shot above) and copy-paste the second photo and you will end up with the single composite photo with 2 images side-by-side:

Final composite image comprising 2 photos side-by-side

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